PAWA Legacy - Uninstall PAWA client
PAWA Legacy - Uninstall PAWA client
If you need to reinstall PAWA on a desktop you will need to unistall it first.
On the machine that you wish to uninstall PAWA Legacy please create a .txt file on the desktop and paste the following line:
NET STOP Dev-ID Client Service timeout /t 5 taskkill /F /IM DevID.Central.Client.exe timeout /t 5 C: del "C:\Dev-ID\Pawa\Shell\version.txt" del "C:\Dev-ID\Pawa\Shell\pawa.lic" del "C:\Dev-ID\Pawa\Shell\error.log" del "C:\Dev-ID\Pawa\Shell\SQL\Executed\" reg delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Dev-ID\Pawa" /f timeout /t 5 NET START Dev-ID Client Service timeout /t 5 START C:\Dev-ID\Pawa\Shell\DevID.Central.Client.exe timeout /t 5
Save this file UninstallPAWA.bat
Confirm that you want to change the extension of the file
Right click on UninstallPAWA.bat and select run as administrator
Wait until the windows close by itself
PAWA is now uninstall.
, multiple selections available,